Banana Muffins
The weather in UK has suddenly dropped to a low single digit this morning. My area was just 3*C So I decided to turn the oven on. Kinda a frugal wife style of two birds one stone.
As I was mixing up the ingredients, dry and wet it suddenly dawned on me that it is not that much different from making cekodok pisang! Being of a curious nature; I do know curiosity kills the cat, I spent a happy afternoon researching. I found some interesting read on who invented the muffin —-> here As for who and when was the first recorded jemput-jemput pisang or cekodok pisang, no one knows.
Normally when I make muffins I have only 1 rule. Separate the dry and wet ingredients! Then mix lightly with gentle touch and do not overmix them. Your muffins will turn out all right then. Needless to say if you are hankering for a cakey bite, muffins are the easiest to make. The batter will be slightly thicker than cekodok pisang.
If you do want to make a simple cekodok pisang there is a not too shabby recipe here
In this bake my Dry ingredients are 2 cups of cake flour, 1 tsp baking soda, 1 tsp baking powder, 1 tsp cinnamon powder and generous pinch of salt.
My Wet ingredients are 3 – 4 large bananas meshed, 100g of melted butter, 100g of muscovado sugar, 1 tsp vanilla essence, 1 tsp vanilla bean, 1 large egg and 2 – 3 tbsp of milk.
Optional ingredients are of course, chocolate chips, dried fruits nuts but today I just top with a cross section slice of banana for non other reason than aesthetic only and maybe also because I like the taste.
TIP – Do not worry about how fine to mash you banana because it is rather nice to have a bite and finds some bits of banananananananana
Update – 17th October – I forgot to say bake in a 180C oven for 30 minutes. Do the skewer test please.