Today I have decided to cook Claypot waxed meat Rice (Lap Mei Fun) – 腊味饭 but with claypot and do it much simply. I did not fry my rice first like I normally do and I did not add any other seasoning.
I planned to start using up all the purchases I have brought back from my recent trip back to Malaysia. There seem to be an overkill with my shopping spree. However it means I need less shopping now. Only the normal groceries like milk and vegetable top-ups.
So it is out with the waxed meats and a tin of abalone. Soaked the amazing huge Japanese mushrooms and dried scallops. Soaked the rice for an hour and it is then just a matter of assembling. Today I am just using Jasmine rice. Luckily I have shallots, garlic and ginger oil all ready with all the crisps. For reference to my other post of Lap Mei Fan the link is here -> Lap Mei Fan Below are pics with guide and tips.
p/s I used 3 cups of rice so the liquids I used (mushroom soaking liquids, the dried scallops soaking wine and the abalone sauce) all about 3 cups, same as the rice 1:1 ratio.