Asam Laksa

Asam Laksa can happen in Hertfordshire, England. A couple of decades ago I I was missing Asam Laksa so much but it was near impossible to find all the ingredients here. I was ‘importing’ my stash every time I balik kampung 😀 My stash included torch ginger (bunga kantan), polygonum odoratum (daun kesum) and calamansi … Continue reading Asam Laksa

Apam Balik

Today is Shrove Tuesday. The word shrove is a form of the English word shrive, which means to obtain absolution for one’s sins by way of Confession and doing penance. Thus Shrove Tuesday was named after the custom of Christians to be “shriven” before the start of Lent. We eat pancakes on Shrove Tuesday in the UK. Shrove Tuesday is the day before … Continue reading Apam Balik