
Since losing the old blog I have worked hard to search the Internet Archive to copy and paste as many of my old recipes as I could. I have found as many as I can now. There are just no more to be found sadly. From today onward I will just have to cook those … Continue reading Status

Bubble and squeak

Bubble and squeak is a traditional British breakfast made from boiled potatoes and cabbage. In modern times it is a dish made with the shallow fired leftover vegetables from a roast dinner. The main ingredients are potato and cabbage but carrots, peas, brussels sprouts, or any other leftover vegetables may be added. The chopped vegetables (and cold chopped meat if used) are fried in a pan together … Continue reading Bubble and squeak

Pomelo, Prawn and Cellophane (bean thread) noodles salad – Special

Pomelo, prawns and cellophane noodles salads is my final decision. A friend gave me a pomelo a couple of weeks ago and I have been wondering what to do with it. I know that some medicines may interact dangerously with pomelos and some pomelo hybrids, including grapefruit, some limes, and some oranges and I am taking one … Continue reading Pomelo, Prawn and Cellophane (bean thread) noodles salad – Special