Sauropus androgynus, Cangkuk Manis, Katuk, Amame shiba (アマメシバ), 马尼菜, sayur manis, Lakian chai masak lemak

My days of growing up in Kuching, Sarawak I only ever known cangkuk manis or mani chai cooked 3 ways. In Pan Mee soup, fry with eggs and masak lemak like this. I have seen people adding to BiHoon goreng (fry vermicelli) etc but that’s individual prerogative I believe, not traditional but I can stand … Continue reading Sauropus androgynus, Cangkuk Manis, Katuk, Amame shiba (アマメシバ), 马尼菜, sayur manis, Lakian chai masak lemak

Masala Vadai

‘Ding! Ding! Ding!’ as a youngster in Malaysia, towards the early evening I would be so happy and excited to hear the ‘roti man’ bell a ringing. This means I can get either one or the other snacks which I simply love. Carefree days. First I will check for Masala vadai which is not often … Continue reading Masala Vadai